Buss World Ferqui
Trade fairs are a great tool for companies to showcase their products, generate new contacts and interact with potential customers. They are considered a specialised marketing tool that accelerates relationship building and sales.
Therefore, having a stand to promote your services and products that attracts attention is an excellent letter of introduction.
Since its origins, Carrocerías Ferqui has been present at various national and international trade fairs, where they were able to observe an increasing presence of foreign producers interested in this type of vehicle.
This has led them to present their new vehicles at some of the most important ones: Feria Internacional del Autobús y del Autocar FIAA, Expobus Iberia, Bus world....
For the production of the Carrocerías Ferqui stand, the Proasur team had a space of more than 600 square metres, in which simple shapes were represented: circles, semicircles, segments... through independent elements to display curved shapes by means of the use of stretched graphic fabrics.
In this way, simple work and meeting spaces were created with multiple configurations and a well-defined graphic brand identity.